Sun Control of wisconsin

Decorative Window Film

From custom prints to classic frosts, decorative window film adds style and function to your windows.

Let's start!

Sun Control of Wisconsin offers a variety of decorative window film for your home or business, that enhance the look, privacy, and functionality of the room. Some of the types of films we offer are:

  • Frosted, stained glass, patterned, and privacy films for unique aesthetics.
  • Custom prints and graphics to showcase your brand or style.
  • Mirror and textured films for added depth and dimension.

The list is short, however, our in-house designers can design anything you can dream of!

The Benefits Of Decorative Window Film:

Unleash Your Creativity:

Decorative films come in a vast array of designs, colors, and finishes, including frosted, stained glass, patterned, and even custom printed options. Whether you desire a classic stained-glass aesthetic, a touch of modern elegance with geometric patterns, or a completely unique design reflecting your brand identity, there's a film to suit your vision.

Enhanced Functionality and Privacy:

Beyond aesthetics, decorative window film offers practical benefits that improve the comfort and security of your space. By partially obscuring the view, it grants increased privacy without compromising natural light. This is ideal for creating a sense of seclusion in bathrooms and bedrooms, or maintaining confidentiality in office conference rooms. Depending on your film choice, the film can help regulate indoor temperature by reducing glare and UV rays, potentially lowering energy costs and protecting your furnishings from sun damage.


Compared to traditional decorative glass solutions, window film offers a more affordable and convenient option. It's easy to install and remove, making it ideal for both temporary and permanent applications, allowing you to adapt your space to your evolving needs.

Residential Applications:

  • Privacy in bathrooms and bedrooms.
  • Stained glass or patterned designs for decorative touches.
  • UV protection for furniture and artwork.

Commercial Applications:

  • Frosted film for conference rooms and offices.
  • Branded graphics for storefronts and lobbies.
  • Glare reduction and energy savings.

Contact us today to discuss your decorative window film needs and explore our high-quality 3M products and expert installation services.